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[postlink] https://liposuction-videos.blogspot.com/2012/06/facial-liposuction-dr-louis-dejoseph.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmzbNiZbSBoendofvid [starttext]When one thinks about liposuction, they are usually considering the procedure for areas of their body like the stomach, thighs, hips, etc. However, facial liposuction is often performed for areas of the face such as the neck or jowls. A special tool, the cannula, is inserted through a tiny incision placed in an inconspicuous location on the face or neck. Using a suction syringe or pump attached to the cannula, the fat cells are extracted. The result is a resculpting of bulging areas into more attractive and more youthful facial contours. [endtext]

Facial Liposuction - Dr. Louis DeJoseph, Atlanta Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon

[postlink] https://liposuction-videos.blogspot.com/2012/06/liposuction-review-dryoho-los-angeles.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Np5UgYwMMcendofvid [starttext] reviews a client about her fantastic results from his method of lipo surgery [endtext]

Liposuction Review Dr.Yoho Los Angeles Fresno Cosmetic Surgeon

[postlink] https://liposuction-videos.blogspot.com/2012/06/lasernil-lipo-miami-ft-lauderdale.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5UIkoeiFI0endofvid [starttext]At Elite Body Sculpture we ONLY specialize in liposuction body sculpting using the most advanced, state of the art, patented Laser NIL™ technology.
That means NO needles, NO scalpel, NO stitches and NO general anesthesia - while minimizing your recovery and down time.
Laser NIL™ is only available at our location in Fort Lauderdale and Beverly Hills. You can't get this technique anywhere else in the world.
This system has propelled liposuction to evolve into an even safer procedure for the patient, and it has improved the comfort level during and after the procedure. This results in more precise body sculpting than ever before.
But that's not all... Laser NIL™ liposuction also allows us to safely remove up to 30% more fat than other liposuction procedures. [endtext]

LaserNIL™ Lipo Miami - Ft. Lauderdale - SmartLipo